Thursday, February 3, 2011

underrated gross thing of the moment

I come across a lot of names every day. That's part of the territory when you work in a coal mine (read: call centre.)

The names you see defy logic sometimes. You really wonder if you are actually awake when you see job candidates like Soon See Kok or Debbie Downar, but with the volumes of names we go through on a daily basis, it happens.

This name I'm going to drop on you isn't something that shows up in some one-in-a-million random file, though. This is a name you have all seen before and I hope the next time you see it, you will stop and remember this.

Without disparaging the famous poet, I have to say that Dickinson is the most underrated grossest thing of the moment.

Just break that down and you'll see what I mean.


Think about it: When they were first giving out names, they looked around and said, "Hey, metal-maker, we're going to call you John Blacksmith for tax purposes. Hey, garment-maker, we're going to call you John Taylor for legal purposes. Hey, chap with his penis inside his son's butthole, we're going to call you John Dickinson for the rest of time."

How do you get called Dickinson? Explain that to me. Seriously, Dickinsons, let me know... To me, it's just weird.

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