Thursday, April 21, 2011

northern twist to musical staples part. 2

Like I think I mentioned some time earlier, I'm back North of 60 working at a newspaper and I'm calling people all day long in all sorts of awesome communities and, based on the workload and the amount of time spent on my lonesome, I'm developing a bit of that talk-to-yourself psychosis.

Anywho, there's a community just south of the the Mackenzie that I've called a couple times this week and each time I do it, while the phone is ringing, I start humming... "duh-da-da duuuh-da-duh-da-duh... duh-da-da duuuh-da-duh-duuuuh... duh-da-da duuuh-da-duh-da-duh... da-da-da-da-duh-duh-duh... Kakisa..."

Not ringing a bell? Just substitute Tequila with Kakisa

Don't these humans somehow look like puppets from Fraggle Rock?

1 comment:

Shrinky said...

Umm, if you want to get rid of dearest yinxue, just hit the trash can button at the end of his "comment" - sheesh, don't you just love spammers??

Anyhoo's.. as you were saying. Yeah, they sure look like muppets, but they certainly play fine enough (grin). I did my own fair share of cold calling in my time, but at least I had a team with me to share the fun. Hope work picks up and you're not alone on that dialing for long.