Thursday, October 23, 2008

digging in the crates

Found this from a couple years ago, figured it was a good time to throw it back out there (apparently, I had a great disdain for punctuation, although I'm still not very punctual)...

looking around walmart the other day for halloween stuff. i had the lazy thought of going with a kid's costume... you know, real funny, small costume/big person, potential grape-smuggler laughs...

so i'm browsing around batmans and ninja turtles and i notice something... each costume has a picture of a kid on its packaging and on every single one of them, there's a white kid. like a nurse, or a fireman, or a doctor... white kids on all of them... and then i see the jailbird costume, and wouldn't you know it, no white kid. instead, there's a picture of some poor, sad looking mexican kid in handcuffs...

pretty bad

1 comment:

Wild Woman said...

Wow, that is so bad that I had to laugh.