Monday, November 3, 2008

bad habits

I've been told by many that I need to stop spitting. Apparently, it's a disgusting habit and very unbecoming. I counter that I have to -- subconsciously basing that on a perceived genetical predisposition to loogie-ing due to the rather large nasal protrusion that calls my face home.

However, I've lately been forced to re-evaluate this quick-to-spit attitude. On more occasions than I can count on one hand in the last three months, I've walked outside whilst horking loudly, and let loose with a big nasty goober just as a pretty girl walks by. It's not cool. It's happened too many times not to be some kind of divine sign. And, I mean, that's got to be the worst first impression a guy can make.

My spitting image?


Anonymous said...

You just have to meet a girl who spits like you do. Together you can create a yellow-green loogie skating rink and skate away arm in arm. A match made in heaven.

Anonymous said...

yeah, if a girl tells you spitting is unattractive, ask her, does she spit or swallow