Sunday, November 1, 2009

Chirgilchin - Khoomeige Yoreel

With a paper-weight iPod and all my CDs in Yellowknife, I've had constant cravings for music not in my immediate possession and so have had to rely on youtube to satisfy the itch.

Don't know how many of you are familiar with Chirgilchin -- although anyone at Folk on the Rocks in 2005 would likely remember these guys as they are pretty unforgettable. I was blown away, that's for sure -- but with some long work days and under a little bit of financial stress, I've been all over their songs as of late, since they do to me what a one-hour massage does to others.

Yeah, the whistling and throat-singing is done simultaneously by one guy. Infriggincredible.

Also, listening to these guys strengthens my desire to travel to Mongolia -- next spot on my Magical Mystery Tour. I've long been fascinated by the place and can just picture the mountain plateaus and nomadic animals and tall grasses when listening to these three throat sing.

To Mongolia!

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