Sunday, May 23, 2010

awesome band name #7,835

At the coal mine (read: glorified call centre) we run into all sorts of names. I keep a list of the best ones. I will share them one day, when I have retired from reference taking.

At the coal mine, I talk to scores of folks a day. Scores, folks. I meet wierdos and wackos and normals and egos and comedians and roughnecks and pencil-pushers. All told, speaking with these strangers is the second best part of the job. What's the best part? you're wondering. Well, the best part is sharing the stories and conversations you have with said wierdos and wackos and comedians with your colleagues.

(Please imagine the following words as if they came from Sam Elliott)


"Now this here story I'm about to retell for you is one that my friend told me a few weeks back when he was speaking to a reference with the last name 'Thompson.' In our line of work, we come across a lot of oddly-spelled names. Sarah has been spelt with a 'Z.' Shawn has been spelt 'Shean.' So we usually ask for a spelling of names, unless they are of the Bob or Jim variety. (Sidenote (not in Sam Elliott-voice): I have an overwhelming urge to call the gruffest sounding Jims by the name Jimberly when I leave them voicemail messages. I think it would really P them O.)

This Thompson fellow my friend was speaking with turned out to be a real beaut.

When asked, he told my friend how to spell his name: "Thompson with a 'p.'"

"Thanks, Mr. Thompson," my friend replied.

"Yep, Thompson with a 'p,'" he repeated. "Do you know what we call Thompsons without a 'p?'"

My friend paused. "What?"

"A dry Thompson."

And there you have it, my friends.

Awesome band name #7,835: "The Dry Thomsons."

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