Tuesday, August 26, 2008

unbelievably overused

We've got bans on the use of DDT and child labour and lawn darts, so can we please extend this to the use of the word 'unbelievable'? In the last week, I've heard people throw around the word 'unbelievable' like they were lawn darts in the early-nineties.

It's overused. It's lazy. It's misused.

"Wow, what an unbelievable day."
Really, you couldn't conceivably believe that it could be sunny outside?

"Wing Wang's performance on the pommelhorse was unbelievable."
So a routine without mistakes cannot be imagined, and therefore, when it happens, it cannot be believed. Expectations must be pretty low.

Today, nothing is unbelievable. A kid just got decapitated on a bus ride through the Prairies. We've got an atom crusher being built in between Switzerland and France that some scientists are saying could create a black hole on Earth. Nicholas Cage is still being hired to star in movies.

hmmm... uh.. yess.. mmm.. I'm... um... Superman, yes... mmm.

We have reached the point where nothing is really unbelievable anymore. So, please, please, please, can we stop using the word 'unbelievable'. (I will eat a pie of crow if someone finds me using 'unbelievable' in my past posts -- which is not, in fact, unbelievable, because I am unbelievably lazy. Beleed dat!) I am close to getting a petition on the go and sending it to the UN.

Other alternative words: amazing. ridiculous, unique, daffy, gew-gaw.
I have started using 'unreal'... If something strikes me as being beyond belief, then it is just not happening. Hence, unreal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've used the word 'unreal' about 5 times in the past three days. It's kind of unbelievable actually...