Monday, January 19, 2009


I have been tagged by a ballooning rock 'n roll icon in Iqaluit and although I usually throw chain letters in the trash, this one requires minimal effort on my behalf to keep alive and there was no accompanying threat to my life or love life or luck or testicles if I didn't keep it going, so I will be a good soldier and post the sixth picture in the sixth folder of my documents folder, as per instructions. (Now that's how you write a run-on sentence!)

A shady character

This picture was taken on National Aboriginal Day last year on the N'dilo/Yellowknife border (aka Erasmoose's backyard) overlooking calm Back Bay during the very brief 2am sunset on the longest day of the year. Looking back at pictures of that time, I had an infatuation with fire (I'll post a couple goofy fire pictures at some future juncture.) Beauty night with some beauty friends, featuring some guest appearances from the Dene National Chief, then some friends' parents who partied harder than we did, an impromptu boat tour around the houseboats and Latham Island and a late-night/early-morning hooka session at the house. Probably the highlight of my time spent in Yellowknife last summer...

Wow, thanks for the tag most-Inflatable one. That was fun to pass the time and brought back some grand old times...

hmmmm... I tag Mongoose, perhaps the most active participant in the Mount Douchemore sweepstakes. (Vote or Die!)

Keep this alive or we take balls, Tyler Durden-style.


Chris Windeyer said...

Uh Herb, what's with the math on your poll? I see the four candidates each with 2 votes are credited with 28 per cent of the vote, and everyone else has 14 per cent. Now I know journalists are bad at math, but I still think those figures don't add up....

Mongoose said...

I'm to douches as Jane Goodall is to chimps. That's the great thing about living in Hay River, it's home to one of the largest free-roaming herds of douches in Canada. I'm hoping to have it designated as a Douche Sanctuary and obtain funding for further research into douche behaviour.

And you'll never get my balls! Nyah nyah nyah!

Oil Can Boyd said...

Hey Bob Jr.

What if I said they were government statistics? Then it all adds up, right?

No, man. I'm not too horrible with numbers, but when it comes to all this techy, bloggy stuff, I don't have a damn clue.

For instance, I direly need someone to explain how to embed youtube videos on here..

Mongoose said...

I can't access YouTube from this public-access computer, but somewhere on the YouTube page, you'll see a little form field with text in it that starts with "<embed". You copy the contents of that field and past it into your post. That's all there is to it.